The Ultimate Road Trip Playlist: Jamming to the Beats of Costa Rica
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The Ultimate Road Trip Playlist: Jamming to the Beats of Costa Rica

It’s finally here! It’s time you all hop on the car, ready to hit the road towards your next adventure, and you get assigned one of the most important roles in any roadtrip ever: being the DJ. You have no idea what to play, maybe old rock will do? But is it the correct vibe?…

Tips for Renting a Car in Costa Rica
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Tips for Renting a Car in Costa Rica

We know organizing a group trip is already thrilling enough (and not always in the good way). Nevertheless, the question sooner or later arises: should we rent a car in Costa Rica? Renting a car opens up a world of possibilities for exploration and adventure so our answer would be an immediate yes, but since…

Recommendations From a Dad and a Friend: Our Family Vacations in Costa Rica
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Recommendations From a Dad and a Friend: Our Family Vacations in Costa Rica

I know, dealing with a family trip is both great and exhausting. But hey, after I tell you everything Costa Rica had for us, you will be booking that plane ticket in no time. If you’re looking to create unforgettable memories with your family, let me share an incredible travel experience that’s perfect for both…