In Budget we take great pride in every accomplishment we obtain as a team. Therefore, we work hard every year to be on the top of the pyramid of tourism services. These are some of the awards we have received recently and that we are proud to share.

3 Levels Certificate Sustainable Tourism (CST)

We love Costa Rica’s natural treasures and we advocate to keep it as natural as possible. Therefore, working with a sustainability process is one of our main goals and we are proud to achieve a 3 Levels Certificate Sustainability Tourism (CST), a recognition that rewards companies on actively working to mitigate the impacts resulting from their operation. 

The certification promotes the strengthening of social, cultural, environmental, economic and development work in tourist destinations. 

The Global Sustainable Tourism Council has recognized this certificate standard, placing it at the level of the most important sustainability standards in the world.

Quality Certification Award ISO, being certified ISO 9001 version 2008.

ISO is an organization for the creation of international standards, it is formed by various national standardization organizations that allow determining levels of excellence in the different aspects of production and services provision.

The ISO 9001 standard, the one that concerns us as a company, is a quality management system standard that focuses on all the quality management elements that an organization must have in order to have an effective system that allows you to manage and improve your products and services.

We have had this qualification since 2008 and we are very satisfied with the work that allows us to keep it.

Tourism Merit Award given by the National Chamber of Tourism.

We have been honored by the National Chamber of Tourism from Costa Rica with the Tourism Merit Award, for developing a Corporate Social Responsibility Process.

We take great pride in being considered for this award, as it rewards companies in each touristic area for being the one taking the industry to the next level of excellence. 

Award granted by COSEVI

This award was granted by COSEVI, Costa Rica’s Road Safety Council, as a recognition for the work we do by participating in project implementation of road safety and training in different schools all around the country.

This award is very special for us, as it shows the world how sirous we are when it comes to road safety. We offer a high quality service based on the most strict conditions to secure a safe trip.

Certified C-Neutral given by FONAFIFO, being a company that through its economic support helps reforestation projects.

FONAFIFO is Costa Rica’s program that finances climate-friendly investments and rewards those companies that keep an eye on being environmentally efficient financing reforestation projects around the country.

Budget is an international company that is thankful to Costa Rica and tries to keep the highest standards of quality while taking care of the land that receives us, and every one of our clients, with a conscious and responsible presence in the country. 

Thank you Costa Rica!

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