A place like Costa Rica has so many different things and spots to visit that you might need to make a list and be sure to check every point. You can visit some places on a shuttle or get on a tour, some places you can even visit after a hike. But, in this vast diversity, some places are only reachable by car. 

Therefore, here are 3 places in Costa Rica you can only visit with Budget’s help.

El Árbol Hueco, or The Hollow Tree.

El Árbol Hueco is a hidden gem of Costa Rica, located right off a small road on the outskirts of Santa Elena, in Monteverde. You can reach this place by car after driving around three hours from San José. You can take the José María Castro Madriz freeway and road 606.

Once you arrive, you walk by the side of the road and meet the incredible forest of ficus trees that have zigzagged together over the time.

If you are brave enough you can even climb the trees and get a unique view. Would you dare?

Something to keep in mind before doing this road trip is if the place is available to visit at the moment. Due to weather conditions the sourraidings might be closed, so take precautions. 

Either way, once you are there you can spend the night in Santa Elena.

The Diquís Spheres

The Diquís Spheres are one of Costa Rica’s museums greatest attractions, but not many people know that you can also see them in their original emplacement. 

These stone spheres were created by an ancient civilization a long time ago and are still a mystery for archaeologists, especially because most of them had been moved from their original location. 

After a lot of investigation in the matter, they identify Finca 6 as one of the original locations of some of the stones, so they secure the area and place the stones back on their original emplacement. This area now belongs to Costa Rica’s Museum and is protected. But you can still visit it after a beautiful drive through the Pacific Road. Once there you will have a one of a kind view and an overwhelming experience.

Territorio de Zaguates or Land of Strays

This particular location is a dog refuge. This place was built by a group of veterinarians worried by the amount of stray dogs in the city. In this process they realize that the dog with pedigree were usually easily adopted, while the mutt almost never leave the shelter. With this in mind, the veterinarians begin naming each dog with a unique pedigree completely ment to be for each one. 

This initiative gave them great popularity, getting the attention of artists who offered to portray every dog and people who wanted to adopt a “Bunny-Tailed Scottish Shepterrier”.

Located in Heredia City, this shelter offers those who visit the opportunity to hike on the beautiful land followed by the over 1000 dogs that live there. 

A one of a kind experience for animal lovers.

Each of these places are reachable by car and offers everyone who visits a beautiful road trip, a unique experience and the special feeling of being part of Costa Rica.

Don’t miss the chance of taking the road with one of the cars in Budget’s fleet, and discover the treasures of Costa Rica.

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